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Installation and configuring plug-in Price Manager

1. The file format for import/export/update prices.

2. Simple the two columns csv-file format for importing prices.

3. Simple 3-7 columns csv-file format for importing tiers prices.

4. FAQ (Import prices)

5. FAQ (Export prices)

6. FAQ (Update prices)

1. The file format for import/export/update prices

You should use CSV file (comma separated values).
Each file has rows with such format

for NopCommerce 4.xx


Old Nopcommerce versions have another csv format
for NopCommerce 3.90
for NopCommerce 3.80 and older

Id – The product identifier (from the current store). Required. Larger then 0.
          Note. Different stores can have different product ids. 0 is wrong value.
Sku - Product stock keeping unit (SKU). Can be empty.
Gtin - GTIN (global trade item number). Can be empty.
ManufacturerPartNumber - Manufacturer part number. Can be empty.
Price - The price of the product. Required. Example. 1245.12, 0.99, “1234,99”, “0,99”.
ProductCost - Product cost. Required. Example. 1245.12, 0.99, “1234,99”, “0,99”.
OldPrice - Old price. Required. Example. 1245.12, 0.99, “1234,99”, “0,99”.
(removed from nop 3.90) SpecialPrice - Special price. Can be empty. Example. 1245.12, 0.99, “1234,99”, “0,99”.
TierPricePairs (plain format) – Tier Price Pairs. Can be empty. It has the next format

{Quantity:Price;Quantity:Price;Quantity:Price; ... }

Note. String begins from {, and ends }. Each pair has the next format Quantity:Price.
Quantity – Numeric. Example. 1, 2, 36.
Price –  Example. 1245.12, 0.99, “1234,99”, “0,99”.

TierPricePairs (full format from nop 3.90) – Tier Price Pairs. Can be empty. It has the next format

{Quantity:Price:CustomerRoleId;Quantity:Price:CustomerRoleId; ... }
{Quantity:Price:CustomerRoleId:StoreId;Quantity:Price:CustomerRoleId:StoreId; ... }
{Quantity:Price:CustomerRoleId:StoreId:StartDate;Quantity:Price:CustomerRoleId:StoreId:StartDate; ... }
{Quantity:Price:CustomerRoleId:StoreId:StartDate:EndDate;Quantity:Price:CustomerRoleId:StoreId:StartDate:EndDate; ... }

Note. String begins from {, and ends }. Each pair has the next format Quantity:Price.
Quantity – Numeric. Example. 1, 2, 36.
Price –  Example. 1245.12, 0.99, “1234,99”, “0,99”.
CustomerRoleId –  Example. 0, 1, 2, (0 - for all customer roles) or customer role name (ex. Administrators)
StoreId –  Example. Example. 0, 1, 2.
StartDate –  Example. format dd/MM/yyyy or yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss
EndDate –  Example. format dd/MM/yyyy or yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss

This document can help you to create CSV file



Analyze the first row:   59774,,,,35,0,0,,

Id – 59774.
Sku - none.
Gtin - none.
ManufacturerPartNumber - none.
Price - 35
ProductCost - 0
OldPrice - 0
(removed from nop3.90) SpecialPrice - none
TierPricePairs – none

Analyze the third row:   36,,,,"43,5",0,55,,{3:40;6:38;10:35;}

Id – 36.
Sku - none.
Gtin - none.
ManufacturerPartNumber - none.
Price – 43.5
ProductCost - 0
OldPrice - 55
(removed from nop3.90) SpecialPrice - none
TierPricePairs –
a) for quantity 3 price 40
b) for quantity 6 price 38
c) for quantity 10 price 35

Analyze the fourth row:   36,,,,"43,5",0,55,,{3:40:1;6:38:1;10:35:3:2:30/06/2018;}

Id – 36.
Sku - none.
Gtin - none.
ManufacturerPartNumber - none.
Price – 43.5
ProductCost - 0
OldPrice - 55
(removed from nop3.90) SpecialPrice - none
TierPricePairs –
a) for quantity 3, price 40, customerRoleId 1
b) for quantity 6, price 38, customerRoleId 1
c) for quantity 10, price 35, customerRoleId 3, storeId=2, startdate 30.06.2018

2. Simple two columns csv-file format for importing prices.

You should use CSV file (comma separated values).
Each file has rows with such format


ProductKey => Id,Sku,Gtin,ManufacturerPartNumber

KeyPrice => Price,ProductCost,OldPrice,(removed from nop 3.90) SpecialPrice, (added from nop 3.90) TierPricePairs 

TierPricePairs – Tier Price Pairs. Can be empty. It has the next format

{Quantity:Price;Quantity:Price;Quantity:Price; ... }

Note. String begins from {, and ends }. Each pair has the next format Quantity:Price.
Quantity – Numeric. Example. 1, 2, 36.
Price –  Example. 1245.12, 0.99, “1234,99”, “0,99”.


TierPricePairs –
a) for quantity 3 price 40
b) for quantity 6 price 38
c) for quantity 10 price 35


TierPricePairs –
a) for quantity 3 and customerRoleId 1 price 40
b) for quantity 6 and customerRoleId 1 price 38
c) for quantity 10 and customerRoleId 3 price 35

3. Simple 3-7 columns csv-file format for importing tiers prices.

We added new format for importing tiers prices (nop 3.90, 4.00 and never)


ProductKey => Id,Sku,Gtin,ManufacturerPartNumber
Price => Price

Quantity => Quantity

CustomerRoleId => CustomerRoleId (you can skip this column)

StoreId => StoreId (you can skip this column)

StartDateTime=> StartDateTimeUtc(you can skip this column), format dd/MM/yyyy or yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss

EndSateTime=> EndSateTimeUtc(you can skip this column), format dd/MM/yyyy or  yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss

Example 1:

=> 12451 - product key, 12.25 - price, 8 - quantity, 6 - cutomer role Id, 1 - store Id.
Example 2:
=> 128741 - product key, 182.25 - price, 8 - quantity.
Example 3:
=> 128741 - product key, 182.25 - price, 8 - quantity, 6 - cutomer role Id.

4. FAQ (Import prices).

1. I want to import/update prices in my store.
     You should use Product Id as key.

2. I want to import/update prices from another store.
    You should use Sku,  Gtin or ManufacturerPartNumber as key.

3. I want to update product prices from the file with 20% discount using existing Old price from you own store.
    See image

4. I want to create tier price for quantity = 5 with discount 10% using existing price value from the csv file.
    See image

5. FAQ (Export prices).

1. I want to export prices from the category Computers and subcategories.
     See image. You will have a csv file. Read about format of this file link.

6. FAQ (Update prices).

1. I want to update Price value for all products from the category Computers and subcategories with markup 20% from existing price cost.
     See image

2. I want to create/update new Tier Price for quantity 5 for all products from the category Computers and subcategories with discount 10% from existing price.
     See image

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