Payment plugin for GlobalPay (GlobalPayments) Hosted Payment Page (Redirect and Lightbox modes).
With Global Payments Hosted Payment Page, you have the convenience of commerce anywhere, at any time, with any device. Learn more about how our solutions provide fast, reliable payment solutions and management via mobile and desktop devices.
- supports Authorize, Capture, Refund and Void methods.
- works in two modes: create order after payment or create payment after creating payment
- support Redirect and Lightbox modes
- support multi-currencies
This version supports Recurring Payments (we need testers).
Not registered version is fully operational. It has only one limitation. You can do 100 payments in unregistered mode. You can try it free.
Compatible with NopCommerce 4.80, 4.70, 4.60, 4.50, 4.40.
+ added the correct message for declined payments (the old release showed the white screen with the message)
+ added rounding order amounts.
- fixed the issue with dowble nop orders (the customer presses the button 'Submit payment' in the GlobalPay widget twice very fast)
- added support phone number for 3D Secure from Uk (add 44| before the phone number)
- added the protection against wrong payments - the plugin checks the responce code from GlobalPay
- fixed bug 'customer can use street address with char "'" '
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