CMS Manager (Content Management System)
Add Content Management System features (add new HTML pages)
With this plugin you can create new pages (articles, news, promotions, tips, reviews, etc. ) for your website.
You can write articles, reviews, etc. about products and add links for them on the product details page.
With articles you can raise your website in search engine ranking!
Key Features:
1. You can create simple and grouped pages (with several simple pages)
Create the page about new features of IPhone XI,create the new grouped page "News from Apple" and add the page about IPhone XI in this grouped page
2. Multilanguages support
3. Multistores support
4. Each simple page has a picture preview
5. Each page has its own meta-tags (for SEO)
6. Each page has URL-friendly-name – Slug
7. You can attach nop products to the each simple page
8. You can change CSS styles of the pages
9. Pages are included in sitemap for better search engine optimization
10. Works very quickly. Plugin is designed for hundreds of pages
11. You can add pages in the top menu and create the own pages trees
12. Pages can be displayed on the product details pages (products were attached to the simple page)
13. You can add simple pages on the Home page
14. Support OpenGraphMetaTags (Facebook, Twitter)
15. Support templates for simple pages (review pages have own template, news pages have another one)
16. Support tags for each simple page (tag cloud)
17. Support internal comments for each simple page
18. Support ACL
Not registered version has only one limitation – 25 pages.
Compatible with NopCommerce 4.80, 4.70, 4.60, 4.50, 4.40, 4.30
Look for our old plugin nopArticles for old nop versions.
How to Install and Configure plugin.