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Social Widget

Social Widget


Integrates buttons (modules, plugins) of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.) in any combination and anywhere on your website.

With this module you can integrate buttons (modules, plugins) of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, on the pages of your website.


Key features.

1. Plugin supports the following social networks:

Facebook (Like, Share, Send, follow, comments, recommendations)

Twitter (Retweet, Follow)

LinkedIn (Share)

Pinterest (Pin It button, Follow, Pin, Board, Profile)

Instagram (Badges) (like, send, comments, recommendations)

You can change appearance of the buttons (modules) by editing cshtml files.

You can also add other modules, and the other functionality (by editing cshtml files).


2. You can configure any combination of plugins (buttons) of social networks for different locations on the website pages (using widgets).


Widget productdetails_overview_bottom of Facebook (Like), Twitter (Retweet) buttons.

Widget module productdetails_bottom of Facebook (comments) module.


There may be several sets of buttons (cshtml files) in a single widget.


3. The plugin automatically adds Open Graph Meta Tags on every page (the tags are needed for proper indexing of pages in the social network).

"og:site_name" - Website Name

"og:title" - Meta Title from SEO Page. If it is not filled, page Title is entered.

"og:url" - Absolute Page Url

"og:image" - For Products, Categories, Manufacturers, the first photo in the description is automatically displayed.

For News and Blog you have to manually select a picture (e.g. website logo) in plugin settings. For NopArticles (our other plugin), a photo is selected from article description.

"og:description"- Meta description from SEO Page. If it is not filled, page description is entered. For NopArticles (our other plugin), an abstract to the article is selected.

You are able to edit initial file Widget_head_html_tag.cshtml.

 4. Multistore Support.

Compatible for NopCommerce 4.80, 4.70, 4.60, 4.50, 4.40, 4.30, 4.20, 4.10.


Not registered version is fully functional. Its validity will be automatically stopped in 30 days.

Wondering how to Install and Configure plugin?

 We hope you will have an amazing experience using our plugin!

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