+ removed the field "Expired" from the Google template.
+ added a new token "Name without attributes".
If you would like to export products with product attributes Feed Manager creates new virtual products with the new name of the product (to add the product attribute name and value to the parent product name)
- fixed the bug with multilanguage URLs for the product.
+ added new fileds ([shipping_length, shipping_width, shipping_height]) for the Google template link
+ added a new field ([tax]) for the Google template link. Example 'US:CA:8.475:yes'
+ changed the list of parameters for extern plugin (added Store and Language)
+ added event FeedCompletedEvent (when the feed file was created)
+ added the new status of availability "backorder" for Google templates
+ performance fix - increased the working of SP (you could run the new file SqlServer.FeedManager.sql manually)
- added the new field 'sale_price_effective_date' if the product has sale price for Google feed file
- fixed a bug with values for Facebook feed file (price and sale_price) will have the correct values
+ Facebook added the new column quantity_to_sell_on_facebook
in the feed template link
+ added new feature for Google Feed File, if the product has OldPrice than the plugin will create Sale Price with Price and copies Old Price to Price
+ added support all databases (MySQL + PostgreSQL)
+ added support the new template for Pinterest
+ removed the menu item "Unpublished products"
+ removed the parameter "Unpublish the new products"
+ cosmetic fix in the kernel (stores ACL role IDs in the cache)
+ add two new tokens: "Price for order minimum quantity with TAX" and "Price for order minimum quantity without TAX"
+ add "rounding all prices to two digits"
+ changed algorithm for working with stock quantity and stock status:
- if quantity <=0 and product inventory method is "Track Inventory" and BackOrder is "Allow Qty below 0" then FeedManager exports qty = 1000 and stock status == in stock
- if product inventory method is "Track Inventory by Product Attribute" and product attribute combination quantity <=0 and enabled "Allow out of stock" then FeedManager exports qty = 1000 and stock status == in stock
Version 2.05 - October 15, 2020 (nop 4.xx)
- fixed issue with quantity filter for product attribute combinations
- fixed issue with uploading files using FTP
+ added new feature "select specification attribute option, product attribute predifined values, product attribute values"
- fixed bug with memory leak for nop 4.20 (EF Core 2.2 bug)
- changed the kernel of plugin
- fixed issue with wrong price if product has MinStockQuantity (mixed up with OrderMinimumQuantity), The bug was added in the last relase 2.03(1.71)
+ added support new templates Facebook Catalog for Multiple Languages and Google Product Review Feeds
+ changed the scheme owner in database from "dbo" to nopcommerce default one.
+ added a new token "warehouse" for mapping WareHouse name
+ added new features:
1) add new tag name from the nop admin mode
2) upload feed schema XML file
3) download feed schema XML file
4) delete tag from nop admin mode
+ some fixes for performance (if you use the new feature "Restrictions")
+ changed the logic of Scheduler (removed parameter 'Is Active')
+ added a new feature "Restrictions". We replaced old "Conditions" with a new improved feature (nop 4.xx).
- fixed the bug with "dowble price fro product attribute combination" - added in the last release link.
+ performance optimization
+ added template for www.nextopia.com
- changed template for Google Product Inventory feed (Google added several new columns)
- fixed bug "can't export localized values in nop 4.10"
+ changed feed file for Facebook (added short_description and rich_text_description) and removed encoding "&"
- fixed bug "Doesn't work "condition" for StockQuantity value for products with warehouses"
+ added support saving the last feed file name in local values.
+ added new tokens in the feed file name: %yyyy% - year, %mm% - month, %dd% - day, %hh% - hour, %mi% - minute.
+ added new conditions in product filters "Tier price Quantity, Leght, Weight, Height"
+ added new feature "upload feed to Amazon in automatic mode" (we need testers)
+ performance optimization (change the mapping for price, old value priceincludetax, new value price). By default plugin uses price for all templates, but you can change it.
+ added support check24.de
+ performance optimization (important fix, you need to upgrade DLL and SQL files)
+ added new format for export datetime value "yyyy-MM-dd".
+ cosmetic fix. Plugin will created 'In stock' value for product with 'Track inventory by product attributes' if one of product combination is in stock.
- removed TRIM for Suffix and Prefix (nop 3.80-4.10)
+ added support hotline.ua, price.ua.
+ added new feeature "CDN picture URL". You can enable it on plugin configure page.
+ performance optimization
- fixed bug "don't work Condition 'Export products for one manufacturer' for Grouped product from the same manufacturer and subproduct from another manufacturer"
+ added support www.trendsales.dk
+ added new subtoken for formula 'productcost'
+ added new tempalate Google AdWord in CSV format
+ added new feature "Create custom JSON and XMLX feed files" (read our documentation about custom feed templates)
- fixed bug "wrong picture display order if each picture has the same DisplayOrder value", plugin sorts pictures using DisplayOrder value and Id of picture item.
- fixed bug "some of store has several languages but this language isn't published for this store", plugin ignored non-active languages, now plugin will see them too.
+ added new feature "Copy feed template". You can create new feed template using existing one.
+ added new feature "upload weight of product using weight of product attributes"
+ changed the list of parameters for external plugins for FeedManager. FeedManager sends ProductAttributeCombination value if you want to create virtual products for each product attribute combinations.
+ added new feature "encapsulate symbols " and & for Facebook ADS"
+ added new feature "filter by Vendor"
+ added new feature "Report about products which were exclude from the feed file"
+ changed the PictureUrl for eBay template. Plugin use token 'pictures' and exports all pictures in one parameter
+ added new feature "support price Price Adjustment for Export Product Combinations if product combination doesn't have overwriten price".
- fixed critical bug "don't use external PictureService" (all nop releases) if you want to use it. You can do you own PictureService and overwrite plugin's one.
+ added new token "availabilityrange" - "Availability range" (nop 3.90 and never)
- fixed critical bug for nop 4.00
+ changed the release number for all old nopcommerce versions too
- added support virtual path link
- added new parameter for mapping 'SeName'.
- added support custom XML template and you can set new two parameters XMLRootElement and XMLItemElement.
- added new tokens for mapping Meta Description, Meta Title, Meta Keywords.
- added new condition Weight
- fixed bug 'wrong price if one of product combination doesn't have own price'.
- fixed bug for template Fruugo (item 'product' was from lowercase)
- change the kernel for Amazon XML format
- added new parameter 'Skip main product' for grouped product or product attribute combinations.
- fixed bug for stock status for virtual products created from product with product attribute combinations.
- fixed crytical bug 'Can't create any CSV any feed files' (we added it October 17)
+ changed kernel of plugin (clear old code)
+ added new feature Field Enclosure for template (if you use CSV template you can enclosure each columns with "). How to use it?
Open the feeds.xml and take one template
<Name>Ebay File Exchange Template (File Exchange Center)</Name>
<Message>Products Feed Specification</Message>
<Message>Ebay Category Tree</Message>
<Message>File Exchange - Instructions and Resources</Message>
+ added support external plugins for FeedManager documentation.
+ changed the template for kelkoo.
+ removed taxonomy category for nextag and ebid.
+ changed the logic if the plugin cann't create new value for uploading. Plugin will skip this problem product and will try to upload next product. The store's owner can see information about it on feed report file.
+ added new feature 'Use external Picture service' for creating picture URLs (ex. if you use CDN)
- fixed bug for AmazonProduct template
+ added new public tokens:
Available start date
Available end date
Special price start date
Special price end date
+ added support Walmart
+ added new public tokens:
Old Price with TAX
Old Price without TAX
Minimum cart qty
+ added new internal tokens (the store's owner can use them adding manually in XML template)
cross_sell_sku - list of cross sell products SKU with # separator.
shippingprice - shipping price of one product (or minimum cart qty) if your store uses one shipping method
shippingpriceincludetax - shipping price with TAX of one product (or minimum cart qty) if your store uses one shipping method
shippingpriceexcludetax - shipping price without TAX of one product (or minimum cart qty) if your store uses one shipping method
+ added new token 'formula', you can use it for calculation of any values.
This token suppors subtokens 'price' and 'weigth'.
This token supports only plain mathimatic operators (+,-,*,/,())
+ added support ManoMano
+ added new parameter for mapping 'Delivery date'
+ added new parameter for mapping 'Additional shipping charge'
+ added support SFTP
- fixed bug for FTPS
- important fix for previous release.
- fixed important bug link . Plugin can export product from subcategories if parent category has "No Export" value, parent category was 'UnPublished'.
+ added support Tradetracker.com
+ added support Azure Blob storage
+ added new template for www.hepsiburada.com
+ changed kernel for generation XML files.
+ added new template for spyprice.com
+ added new template for bidorbuy.co.za.
+ added new template for Amazon Car tyres.
+ added new mappings "Pre-order availability start date", "Product Cost", "Profit Margin", "Profit Margin Percentage", "Maximum cart qty".
+ added new template for www.pricecheck.co.za.
- fixed bug (if product has localizations with empty or null values plugin doesn't use standard value)
+ added mapping for product's parameter "Downloadable product"
+ added new template for idealo.de
+ performance improvements
+ added new menu item "Unexported products"
+ added new features for uploading virtual products (pictures, new name value, quantity, etc.)
+ added support billiger.de, Guenstiger.de and Geizhals.de, added new template Amazon - Toys & Games.
+ added new feature "Export product combinations as a new virtual product". link
- fixed bug with the rounding of prices.
+ added support bol.com, Kijiji and bakeca, added new template Amazon Software & Video Games Lite.
+ adde new values for mapping in feed file (store zip postalcode, company phone number)
+ added new permition 'Plugin. Admin area. FeedManager. Manage feeds.' for ACL .
+ changed google.xml template. We added new parameter for tag availability for mapping this parameter with new values. It was important fix.
+ added feature (if subproduct from grouped product doesn't have pictures plugin will export pictures from the parent product) link.
+ changed logic (if the parent category has 'No' and the sub category has 'Yes' the products from subcategory will be exported).
- fixed bug (doesn't export products from subcategories with the value "Inherited" in parent category (default value)).
+ performance optimisation (for servers with small memory).
- fixed bug (feed exported product from deny categories with subproducts).
+ changed logic for exporting product from several categories.
+ added support sortprice.com
+ the store's owner can use product's attributes as exernal mapping parameter.
- fixed bug (product has several active SLUGs) link. Original NopCommerce store doesn't allow it.
- fixed bug for grouped products (we can add support grouped products to all feed networks)
+ added support shopmania.com
+ added support criteo.com
+ added support GoDataFeed
+ added support prom.ua (Ukraine) and n11.com (Turkey)
+ added support converting values from one format to another format (ex. true => yes, false => no)
+ added support exporting grouped products (if you need it write us)
+ Amazon didn't support AmazonAds feed type. We added support Inventory File Templates. This release supports:
Camera & Photo
Cell Phones & Accessories (formerly Wireless)
Clothing, Accessories & Luggage*
Consumer Electronics
Home Improvement (Tools)
Shoes, Handbags, & Sunglasses*
Sports & Outdoors
+ added support Prisjakt link
+ added new export values "Tier price with minimum price" and "Tier price with minimum quantity".
+ added new condition "Has Gtin". Store owner can export only products with Gtin.
- fixed bug for Twenga.
- fixed bug for exporting products to Amazon Image, Amazon Inventory, Amazon Price. There was wrong XML attributes in header of the file.
+ added support eprice.it
+ added support Rakuten (new and inventory feed)
+ added automatic detection of the type of flat-file format (semi-colon delimited or comma-separated) for Ebay
+ changed sxema for trovaprezzi.it
+ you can make new custom feed manually
+ added support Google product inventory update feeds (link)
+ added support Vendhq
- fixed bug in sql script for instalation
+ added support gerprice.com.au
+ added support shopbot (shopbot.com.au)
- fixed bug for double extentions.
+ allow changing id for Google feed.
+ added support taxonomy category for Nexttag
+ added support MyShopping.com.au
+ added support PriceSpy
+ added support PriceRunner
+ added support Monetate
+ added support Become.com
+ added new feature "Use static file name"
+ changed feed type for ShopZilla (txt)
- fixed bug for export products to Pricegrabber.
- fixed bug for export products from unpublished categories.
+ added support Binq.
+ Added support for exporting the product specification (ex. Color, Size, Gender, etc.).
+ Added indication of whether the process is running.
- Fixed bug with uploading feed-files (FTP).
+ Added new error messages to the report file.
+ performance tuning. Exports of 50000 products will be 15 minutes (images had stored on disk)
+ added support Ebay.
+ added support Ebid.net.
- fixed bug for Google feed (additional_image_link).
- fixed bug with ASIN (Amazon).
+ changed URLs for images (http). Amazon cannot access images stored with a secured URL (https).
+ changed HTML parcer for product's description.
+ fixed bug for export Amazon Ads (remove special characters " (left and right too))
+ export all images as .jpg (Amazon supports only .jpg, .gif, .tiff files. We decided to export all files as .jpg)
+ added report file for every feed.
- fixed bug export Amazon Ads (remove special characters *, $, &,+)
+ performance improvements
+ added support feed for Trovaprezzi.it (xml)
+ added support price markup
- fixed bug for stores without /.
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