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Google Pagespeed Tools

Google Pagespeed Tools


Increase ranking for your pages.

This plugin will help you to increase ranking for your pages.
Plugin has several important features:
1. Minify pictures in your store (.JPG, .PNG, .GIF).
Plugin minifies all pictures in your store by scheduler. You can set several folders with pictures. Plugin follows the last recommendations
2. Minify CSS style and JS scripts.
Plugin minifies your CSS styles and  JS scripts.
If you have the file named styles.css, plugin will create the new file named styles.min.css with the same date and time stamp.
If you have the file named styles.min.css, plugin will update this file with the same date and time stamp.
3. Minify HTML on fly.
Your customer and Google robot will see HTML minified page. You can select what you want to remove from HTML (comments, etc.)
4. Optimization external links for CSS styles.
You can inline small CSS styles, you can move CSS styles to 'head' or 'footer' sections, you can load external CSS styles asynchronously, you can set critical CSS styles for loading in 'head' section and extra features.
5. Optimization external JS scripts.
You can inline small JS scripts, you can move JS scripts to 'head' or 'footer' sections and extra features.
6. You can fix <script> block using data attribute tag ' data-fixedscript="1"'. Plugin will skip this <script> block and will not move it.
7. Add support Browser-level image lazy loading for the web

You should use a new image format for the Web - WebP or AVIF.
Don't forget to install the plugin WebP and AVIF images.
Modern image formats (AVIF or WebP) can improve compression by up to 50% and deliver better quality per-byte while still looking visually appealing.

If you want to have high Pagespeed you should move JS scripts to 'footer' section.
You can move CSS style to 'footer' section too, but your customer will see the page without CSS styles, after 1 second he will see the correct page, it's not good. I don't recommend you to move CSS style to 'footer' section. I advise another solution:
a) move CSS styles to 'footer' section
b) create critical CSS style using external service
c) add this critical CSS style in your file manually 'Head.cshtml' (plugin has the parameter 'Critical CSS style', but it has a limit 2000 chars).
Be carefully, your page size will be increased too...

You have another solution too:
 - move all CSS styles to 'footer' section, except one main CSS style

Important 2.
Some of hosting providers (ex. use own GZip Compression. You must enable GZip Compression, because hosting providers compressed page before minification. It's important.

Not registered version is fully operational. It has only one limitation. This version has only one limitation. It will work 15 days. Try before buying.

Compatible with NopCommerce 4.80, 4.70, 4.60, 4.50, 4.40, 4.30, 4.20, 4.10.

How to install and configure the plug-in.

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