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Price Manager

Price Manager


Import, export, copy, update any prices. Create new from existing.

Plugin allows you to import, export,  update, copy/update any type of prices.  You can change easy any type of price, create new price using another type of price (amount or markup). You can use two columns plain CSV file (product key and price) for import prices too or advanced format.

1. Export. Plugin generates a simple CSV (comma separate value) file. The file consists Id, SKU, GTIN, Manufacturer Part Number, Price, Price Cost, Old Price, Special Price, Tier Price list.
2. Import. Plugin allows to import prices from the file using different product keys (Id, SKU, GTIN, Manufacturer Part Number).
For example:
You want to import prices to your another store. Product has the same SKU in each store. You can import prices using  SKU.
3. Import. Plugin allows to import only selected type of prices.
For example:
You can import only Old Price values.
4. Import. Advanced mode. You can create new PriceCost using values from Price column.
5. Update.  Plugin allows to update selected type of price for selected products.
For example:
You can update Old Price for products from Ipad category with new value 13,66 (or set 10%  markup).
6. Copy. Plugin allows to create new price using another type of price.
For example:
You can create new Old Price using existing Price with 20% markup.
7. Plugin allows rounding numbers and allows adding 0.99 to each price.
8. Plugin allows to create new  Tier Price (support store and customer role).
9. You can use two columns csv file for importing prices (since 3.70).
For example:
You can use such format productKey/priceKey.
You can use productId/Sku/Gtin/ManufacturerPartNumber as productKey

and you can use price/productCost/OldPrice/SpecialPrice as priceKey.
10. Plugin supports export/import product attribute combination prices using Sku, Gtin and Manufacturer Part Number (from nop 4.xx)

Unregistered version is fully working. It has one limitation. It exports/imports/updates only 50 products. You can try it before buying.

Compatible with NopCommerce 4.80, 4.70, 4.60, 4.50, 4.40, 4.30, 4.20, 4.10.

How to install and configure the plug-in.

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