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Payment Method Restrictions

Payment Method Restrictions


Restrict existing payment methods and change its fees using rules

Plugin helps to restrict existing payment methods and to change its fees by customer's address, customer role, date of order, order amount and shipment methods, checkout attributes and product specifications, etc.

Plugin allows to control payment method list using rules.

Restrictions based on stores
Restrictions based on the customer's currency
Restrictions based on customer roles
Restrictions based on warehouses
Restrictions based on date of the order
Restrictions based on customer's address (shipping and billing address)
Restrictions based on checkout attributes
Restrictions based on shipment methods (shipment providers and shipment method names)
Restrictions based on order amounts (totals and subtotals)
Restrictions based on product specifications (products from the cart)
Restrictions based on product manufacturers (products from the cart)
Restrictions based on product categories (products from the cart)
Restrictions based on product vendors (products from the cart)
Group of restrictions

Not registered version is fully operational. It has only one limitation. 30 days trial period. Try before purchase.

Compatible with NopCommerce 4.80, 4.70, 4.60, 4.50, 4.40, 4.30, 4.20, 4.10.

How to install and configure the plug-in.

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