Will this change also be reflecting in earlier versions of the Plugin as I have some websites running 4.20 and to migrate them to the latest version will be very difficult in the timescales.
Please can you confirm that the Square Payment Form has been upgraded to support the new Square Payments SDK.
We are using the Nopcommerce 4.50 version of your plugin.
"We wanted to inform you that the SqPaymentForm JavaScript library retirement has been extended to 2022-10-31 and its functionality will be shut off after this date. Additionally, new applications will not be allowed to use SqPaymentForm from 2022-07-21.
SqPaymentForm has been deprecated since 2021-05-13 and replaced by Web Payments SDK. "
Kind Regards
Matt Hobson
The Shipping Enabled Checkbox is unchecked.
It worked fine though through your PayPal payment method though.
I will update the plugin once the website is quiet as its very busy at this time of the year.
We are using NopCommerce 4.20 and can I download the standard plugin (used for trials) and then use our licence key to activate it ?
We are getting the error:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Whilst trying to run giftcards through the Square Hosted Checkout. I have included details of the error log showing one of the offending transactions. We have tried this through your PayPal solution and that works without issue. Any help or advice would be welcomed.
Matt Hobson
2020.12.09 14:37:10:7298*******
SquarePaymentFlowProcessor. PostProcessPayment. order.Id=11460
2020.12.09 14:37:10:7465*******
2020.12.09 14:37:10:7471*******
Order Id=11460
orderItem. orderItem.Product.Name='£20 Electronic Gift Card', Quantity=1, roundedPrice=20.00, UnitPriceInclTax=20.00, DiscountAmountInclTax=0
orderItem. orderItem.Product.Name='£30 Electronic Gift Card', Quantity=1, roundedPrice=30.00, UnitPriceInclTax=30.00, DiscountAmountInclTax=0
Name='£20 Electronic Gift Card', Quantity=1, BasePriceMoney=class Money {
Amount: 2000
Currency: GBP
Name='£30 Electronic Gift Card', Quantity=1, BasePriceMoney=class Money {
Amount: 3000
Currency: GBP
2020.12.09 14:37:10:7475*******
CreateCheckoutUrl. createOrderRequest.ToJson()={
"idempotency_key": "e2377d41-f473-4bd5-a0b5-b1e111ca9b73",
"reference_id": "ee36d88f-fa77-449c-9cc3-9398f5dc3dbf",
"line_items": [
"name": "£20 Electronic Gift Card",
"quantity": "1",
"base_price_money": {
"amount": 2000,
"currency": "GBP"
"discounts": []
"name": "£30 Electronic Gift Card",
"quantity": "1",
"base_price_money": {
"amount": 3000,
"currency": "GBP"
"discounts": []
"discounts": []
2020.12.09 14:37:10:8756*******
Error. SquarePaymentFlowProcessor. PostProcessPayment. order.Id=11460, errorMessage=Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Yes, its a single currency store. GBP
We have the setting of
shoppingcartsettings.roundpricesduringcalculation = True and the currency is GBP (Pounds Sterling)
Do you suggest I change this to false ? As I have changed the system to place the order before payment is asked for and so far no more Empty cart issues... (Fingers crossed)
Kind Regards
Matt Hobson
I have the following setting
shoppingcartsettings.roundpricesduringcalculation = True
Do you suggest I change it to false ?
Kind Regards
PayPalService. GetPayment
2020.05.03 10:43:25:2130*******
Error. Your order total was changed. Old amount = 77.69, new amount = 77.68.