That didnt work.
I upgraded ASP NET CORE libs to 3.1.6 downloaded from here
Then I compiled and web published the solution to my machine in AWS in selfcontained mode. Same result, correlation error when loging in with Google.
I'm not clear about this solution because NopCommerce 4.3 is already using Net Core 3.1, which is supposed to include support for SameSite property. Could you please provide a link to the correct ASP NET Core patch? Thanks.
Yes, I could login with Google using Firefox in Windows 10 too. In fact I could enter with IE and with Ms Edge. The problem is with Google Chrome. Is there any problem with this browser in desktop devices? I have Chrome Version 84.0.4147.105
Well, after you successful login I have made some tests and I have noticed that Google login is working from mobile phones only, but not from desktop browsers. Could you please help me with a test from a desktop device?
The store was closed. Please check again, is open now. Thanks!
Well, I have a redirect rule in DNS configuration (CNAME record) that sends every request made to [MYDOMAIN] to https://www.[MYDOMAIN] since the second points to the actual server in AWS. In normal conditions I have not been able to activate SSL in the store without getting the redirect error.
In order to make a test and avoid redirect I commented this line temporarily in HttpsRequirementAttribute.cs
//RedirectRequest(filterContext, _storeContext.CurrentStore.SslEnabled);
After this I was able to check SSL for the store, but I am still getting errors with the plugin.
Now after I enter my credentials and hit the LOGIN button a Facebook page shows this message:
Facebook found that Mercadone does not use a secure connection to transfer information.
Until Mercadone has updated its security settings, you will not be able to use Facebook to log in.
My site is
Also I tried again with Google oauth but then I get the "Correlation failed." error message.
I did what you suggested but I did not succeed.
I used "https://[MYSITE]/login-facebook" as redirect uri because the plugin configure page shows that uri. Also in the facebook app configuration page they let me check that this uri is valid.
I am using https because I have a working SSL certificate on my site and the browser shows my store as a secure site. But in my store configuration the SSL option is unchecked because it causes a ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error when I activate it, so I keep it unchecked and my store works well as a secure site.
Do you think that having SSL unchecked is causing the problem with the plugin? what is exactly a correlation error?
Hi. Please help. I am trying to configure Facebook authentication but I get this error when the user introduces the password and hits LOGIN button.
A remote failure has occurred:
Correlation failed.
In the facebook app configuraton I have two allowed redirect URIs: