I decided to implement a custom Google login plugin instead of using SocialLogin plugin.
It will set the "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/authenticationmethod" in "ExternalAuthenticationParameters->Claims" array.
When "ExternalAuthenticationParameters" is passed to "IExternalAuthenticationService" methods, I'll be able to detect if the external login type was Google.
Thank you, I'll investigate what can be done.
It would have been easier if the Social Login plugin would have set the ClaimTypes.AuthenticationMethod indicating the current login method used.
I've seen the accounts are linked.
But that does not help me to detect every time an user logs in, whether they have logged in using their username and password, or using Google authentication.
For an user with a linked account, what can I use to detect at runtime if the user has used it's Username + password to login, or it's Google account.
Thank you.
Hi, we want to add Social Login plugin for Nop 4.6 to our website.
I have configured Google OAuth and I can login successfully. However I can't figure out how to detect if the current user has logged in through normal Username and Password or through Social Login.
Use case - only users that have logged in through Social Login are able to access a specific website section.
User logs in using Social Login (Google)
User tries to access a specific website section.
User is allowed access.
User logs in using Username and Password.
User tries to access a specific website section.
User is Forbidden to access it.
I am trying to implement a CustomAuthorizeAttribute that is able to check the current user's logged in method.
Can you guide me what to use for that?
The ExternalAuthentication cookie doesn't seem to be set. And I saw no Claim like ClaimTypes.AuthenticationMethod indicating the current login method used.
Thank you.