Download new version from our site.
Replace all files from archive (.sql from Install folder too.)
Restart your site.
Plugin will upgrade itself.
We have added new property for simple migration from Froogle (NopCommerce).
We have done it.
Version 1.24 - February 27, 2015
+ Added new feature "newline" with articles (for 3.50 and later).
Right panel.
No, but we'll do it. It's a good idea.
What NopCommerce version do you use?
You can see
We have added plugin for version 3.40 too.
Plugin has bad code in RouteProvider.cs
route.DataTokens["Namespaces"] = new[] { "Nop.Admin.Controllers", "Nop.Plugin.Shipping.Endicia.Controllers" };
Route route;
route = (Route)routes["Admin_default"];
if (route != null)
if (route.DataTokens["Namespaces"] == null)
route.DataTokens["Namespaces"] = new string[] { "Nop.Plugin.Shipping.Endicia.Controllers" };
string[] DataNamespaces = (string[])route.DataTokens["Namespaces"];
Array.Resize(ref DataNamespaces, DataNamespaces.Length + 1);
DataNamespaces[DataNamespaces.Length - 1] = "Nop.Plugin.Shipping.Endicia.Controllers";
route.DataTokens["Namespaces"] = DataNamespaces;
We try to install this plugin and we'll answer you.