trying to implement tracking code for google Customer Reviews.
As you can see in Googles spec here:
There is a "estimated_delivery_date" needed.
Could you please add a new token for deliverydate ?
I suggest calculating the value of that new token by orderData + deliveryTimeInDays
deliveryTimeInDays should so be a new inputfield in CodeManager.
When can that be fixed ?
Hello again,
that worked fine ! Thanks for amazing and very quick support !
Looking forward to updated kelkoo-feed.
I tested now with setting "use external picture service". It still does not jump into Nop.Services.Media.PictureService.GetPicturesByProductId(..)
Where does the feedManager gets the is the picture-object from database to generate picktureURL ?
I think it is that link you are looking for ?
Thank you for quick answer.
I have another problem, that at least occurred on the google feed (but I assume it is the same for all feeds)
I implemented some pictograms:
For this I used ProductPicture-table as well and just changed this method in Nop.Services.Media.PictureService like that:
public virtual IList<Picture> GetPicturesByProductId(int productId, int recordsToReturn = 0)
if (productId == 0)
return new List<Picture>();
var query = from p in _pictureRepository.Table
join pp in _productPictureRepository.Table on p.Id equals pp.PictureId
orderby pp.DisplayOrder
where pp.ProductId == productId &&
(pp.IsPictogram == null || pp.IsPictogram == false) //new by Festemidler
select p;
if (recordsToReturn > 0)
query = query.Take(recordsToReturn);
var pics = query.ToList();
return pics;
Just bought your amazing feedmanager and installed it.
Using Kelkoo-feed did unfortunately not work as expected. I got successfully generated this feed:
BUT on kelkoo website I only could choose between “Google (XML” and “ShoppingFeeder”. Both did not accepte/parse this generated feed. I generate a second “Google”-Feed named kelkoo in the feedmanager and this one could be parsed by Kelkoo ?
Why a special kellkoo-feed in Feedmanager ?