In the cdn connector, the product photos on the main page are not converted, the product images are not converted within the category.
Nop Commerce 4.3 .
can you help me
This example is the example of google i want the example created with plugin above like my example. Can you help
I bought the full version. I want help with the use I want an example.Does not exist in your sample documents with data layer
Can you send a datalayer sample for a basket with more than one product for the order completed page ?
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
'transactionId': %UniqueUserId%,
'transactionTotal': %OrderTotal%,
'transactionTax': %OrderTaxTotal%,
'transactionShipping': %OrderShippingTotalInclTax%,
'transactionProducts': [{
'sku': '%ProductIds%',
'name': '',
'category': %PageType%,
'price': %ProductPrice%,
'quantity': %Quantity%