+ added a new token "%RewardPoints.TotalAmount%" - Reward points balance (in currency).
+ added a new feature "you could use the token %SmartCampaign.Unsubscriber% in all templates". The customer could opt out from all marketing emails.
+ added supporting downloaded products
+ added a new template "Admin reports. Notify the admin about the purchase of the selected product"
+ added a new restriction "Payment method"
- fixed the bug with not locatlized token "SmartCampaign.ShoppingCart"
+ added the new feaure "Attached static file"
- fixed the bug for campaigns "Automatic e-mails for not paid orders" and "Automatic e-mails after order completion"
- fixed the bug for the campaign "Expiring reward points"
- changed the logic for the type "Automatic e-mails after order was placed". The plugin checks the parameter "For existing (old) orders too".
If this parameter is disabled then the plugin creates messages with the planned date (nopcommerce will send emails in the future for new orders).
If this parameter is enabled then the plugin reads the list of old orders and creates messages (nopcommerce will send emails now for old orders).
- fixed bug with the 'SmartCampaign.ShoppingCart' token
+ added a new type of campaign "After customer registration"
- fixed bug with broken HTML format of messages if you use the multilanguages site
- changed logic for the campaing "Not paid order", old release of plugin sends emails to nop order with the payment status "Processing" and the order status "Completed".
- fixed bug "don't send emails for the Abandoned Carts campaign" (added when we added the token for "Unsubscriber")
+ added the new feature 'check order's amounts for campaigns without attached orders' link
+ added information about "test email" in the report log
- fixed a bug for multicurecies stores
+ added the new feature "Unsubscriber" - a customer can unsibscribe from any email using this plugins
+ added the new token %SmartCampaign.Unsubscriber%
+ added the new parameter 'Customer Viewed Type Id' for filtering data from the plugin General Tracking
+ change the logic of plugin
+ added the new parameter 'For existing (old) orders too' and you will be able to send messages for old orders ware created before you created the smart campaing.
+ added the new type of smart campaign "Automatic emails to buyers after order delivered"
+ added the new logic, you can create one smart campaign for all minisites (multistore)
- fixed bug for 4.20 with pagination
- fixed issue with limit SNTP - YYY messages per XXX minute(s)
+ added multilanguage for messages
+ added the new type of campaign "To all news subscribers"
+ added the new type of campaign "After shipment was delivered"
- fixed bug (nop 4.00-3.80) in cshtml template with tokens %SmartCampaignOrder.Product(s)%, %SmartCampaign.Product(s)%, %SmartCampaignOrder.WriteReview(s)%
Replace CSHTML files
- fixed bug with upgraded SQL script (nop 3.80, 3.90)
+ added new feature. Add pictures, prices of products for all plugins's tokens %SmartCampaignOrder.Product(s)%, %SmartCampaign.Product(s)%, %SmartCampaignOrder.WriteReview(s)%
+ added new campaign type 'Automatic e-mails after order was placed'
+ added new campaign type 'Automatic e-mails for not paid orders'
+ added new campaign type 'Birthday Congratulation'
+ added new feature Report of result of sending e-mails
- removed internal BlackList table (nop 3.80, 3.90)
+ changed the kernel of plugin
- fixed bug 'wrong planned date of sending'.
+ cosmetic fix "is plugin can't find the customer using e-mail (Guest) plugin will take the customer from the order".
- added support all order's tokens for all kind of campaings connected woth orders.
- added new token - "%CartUrl%" (nop 3.90 and 4.00)
- added new token - "%CheckoutUrl%" (nop 3.90 and 4.00)
- changed the view of template in admin mode (nop 3.90)
- fixed bug for nop 4.00 (don't check the order total if plugin uses "Requirements")
- added new feature - "Requirements". You can use advanced filters for selecting customers (ex. state code, order total, billing or shipping address, etc.)
- removed internal BlackList table
- removed parameter "Number of orders" - you can set it in "Requirements"
- added new feature - history of messages (you will see the list of messages and check it, this feature can help you to control your campaign)
- added new template 'AbandonedCartsTemplate.cshtml' for campaign 'Abandoned Carts' with support product pictures, price, discount,etc.
- added new template 'WishlistReminderTemplate.cshtml' for campaign 'Wishlist Reminder' with support product pictures, price, discount,etc.
- added new feature 'Clear sent messages', you can clear 'sent messages' for selected campaign or for all campaigns
- add new feature 'Is Active' for campaign. You can have draft campaigns and plugin will ignore them.
- add new feature 'Planned date of sending' for campaign.
- changed logic for campaign 'Automatic e-mails after purchase', plugin will use parameter 'Planned date of sending' and the store's owner will see future e-mails after creating orders.
- performance optimization
- a lot of another improvements
- fixed important bug, plugin sent doible e-mails about Abandoned Carts.
+ added two new template Automatic emails Abandoned Carts and Automatic emails Wishlist Reminder,
+ added new tokens %SmartCampaign.ShoppingCart%" and %SmartCampaign.Wishlist%,
+ performance optimization
+ plugin sends e-mails using parallel tasks.
+ plugin tries to get email addresses for Guests.
+ added new token %SmartCampaignOrder.WriteReview(s)% for all campaign types.
+ added new parameter "Number of orders" (For buyers who have ordered ____ times or more). link
+ added new token %SmartCampaignOrder.WriteReview(s)%. You can add this token in your messages and customers will have quick links for writing reviews.
+ changed OrderProductTemplate.cshtml and ProductListTemplate.cshtml (It's important)
+ added new template ReviewListTemplate.cshtml for token %SmartCampaignOrder.WriteReview(s)%
+ remove parameter "Read e-mail from orders". Now plugin always reads e-mail from orders.
- fixed bug "doesn't work tokens %SmartCampaignOrder.Product(s)% and %SmartCampaign.Product(s)% for campaigns with type 'Automatic e-mails after purchase'" link.
- rewrite logic for tokens
+ added new condition "Customer roles" for selecting customers.
- fixed bug for running task (scheduler)
+ added support all order token. Link
+ added new custom token %SmartCampaignOrder.Product(s)% with its template file OrderProductTemplate.cshtml
+ added product attributes. Link
+ added getting e-mail from orders for Guests
+ added support logical condition OR/AND
+ Added support for exporting emails into CSV-file (for MailChimp, etc). Link
+ Added new feature Automatic e-mails after purchase (for Nop 3.40/3.50 and later).
+ Added new property Email Account
- Fixed bug in upgrade SQL script.
+ Added teplate for token %SmartCampaign.Product(s)% ProductListTemplate.cshtml
- Fixed bug for database with different COLLATE for tempdb
+ Added token %SmartCampaign.Product(s)%
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