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Table Rate Shipping

Table Rate Shipping


Create new shipping method options with fees using rules


The Table Rate Shipping plugin for nopCommerce allows creating new shipping methods based on predefined conditions. This plugin enables users to create an unlimited amount of shipping methods for any occasion.


Create new shipping methods based on address, size, weight, etc.
Customize price, or prohibit usage of a shipping methods for any order based on predefined conditions
Create unlimited amount of shipping methods
Constant or variable shipping fees
Optimized for performance
Full documentation and near-instant support

Supported conditions

Store, the order was placed in
Customer role
Date and time, when the order was placed
Customer address
Checkout attributes
Products in the cart, product attributes, product specification
Categories, manufacturers, vendors
Order total amount
Size of the shipment
Whether a coupon code was used in the order
Whether a discount has been applied to an order
And many more with advanced conditions builder

Additional information

Supported nopCommerce 4.70, 4.60, 4.50, 4.40, 4.30, 4.20, 4.10

Unregistered version would work only for 30 days. You can try plugin before purchase.

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