protected string GetCustomerRole()
if (_workContext.CurrentCustomer == null)
return "Unknown";
if (_workContext.IsAdmin)
return "Admin";
if (_workContext.CurrentVendor!=null)
return "Vendor";
if (_workContext.CurrentCustomer.IsSystemAccount)
return "SystemAccount";
if (_customerService.IsGuest(_workContext.CurrentCustomer))
return "Guest";
if (_customerService.IsRegistered(_workContext.CurrentCustomer))
return "Registered";
return "Unknown";
I did the new release. Download the new ZIP file and try it.
If you see the error message you need to open plugin configure page and enable debugging. Try to login and send me plugin log file to email
You use other plugin for PayPal Smart Payment Button, this other plugin loads PayPal Javascript library with other parameters, disable it.
Please do it and write me about result. I upgraded many APIs
Plugin supports Google Auth2.0 and Google SignIn
Can you try to use Google SignIn ?