You use plugin for lazy-loading of pictures. Disable it and try again.
Send me your store URL (urls for pages with wrong pictures)
Check if your themes or external plugin uses Ajax POST requests for getting pictures.
Disable such plugins and try it again.
This topic is for one customer.
Фумігати - Джин
I don't know.
I hope I solved this problem.
You use the restriction "OrderTotal". Old release of the plugin doesn't know what nop order we need to take.
This new release will take the order with the biggest amount.
1. Upgrade plugin
Replace all files from the new ZIP file and restart nopcommerce. Plugin will upgrade itself itself.
2. Plugin uses the nopcommerce task manager.
Maybe you use sandbox and store's URL is not leave. Nopcommerce runs tasks itself.
Check the list of stores in nop admin mode. Do you use the correct store URL?
1. What nopcommerce version do you use?
2. What campaign do you use? Can you make print screen and add pictures in this topic?
3. Open plugin configure page and enable debugging.
4. Try to send email and send me plugin log file.
update Setting
set Value='False'
where Name = 'ipfiltersettings.enabled'