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Profile: Support


    I created the credentials and they didn't worked. Old credentials worked.Take me some time please.

    4 years ago

    Download the new release 1.16.

    Replace all files from the new ZIP file and restart your store.
    Try and write me about result.

    4 years ago

    Don't uninstall plugin.
    Download the new release and upload it using FTP or nop admin mode.
    Restart your store.
    Plugin will have the same settings.

    I advice you to enable 'Don't pass order items to PayPal' on plugin configure page. It will solve your problem.

    4 years ago

    If you plan to use GTM for Enhanced Eccommerce than you needn't use plain GTM for GA.

    Use only this plugin

    This plugin has several other tracking code
    You can use it but you needn't enabled GTM for GA in it.

    4 years ago

    You can do it
    Open the file google.xml in the folder FeedSchema
    and add such columns

    4 years ago

    TSV = TXT

    My plugin creates TXT feed file with TAB separator (TSV feed file).
    It's the same.

    4 years ago

    Download and install trial version of plugin from product details page.

    4 years ago

    Plugin support recurring payments. PayPal team checked it for internal customers several time. Please check if you have other Braintree plugin with old braintree kernel library. Remove it from plugin folder.

    Read this topic

    1. Did you create the Plan in braintree admin mode and used nopcommerce product ID as plan ID?
    2. Can you tell me if I understood you?
    a) Customer opened the checkout in nopcommerce.
    b) Customer saw Braintree widget and used sandbox credit card and pressed the button ''Submit payment '
    c) Customer saw order confirm page (checkout step) and pressed the button 'Conform order'.

    4 years ago

    Read this topic

    This man zrmax  solved this issue

    Try to follow his recommendation and write me about result.

    4 years ago

    Check if you have other Stripe plugin with old Stripe kernel library.
    Remove it from the Plugins folder and try to install my plugin.
    Write me about result.

    5 years ago

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