I did the new release.
1. backup old plugin folder before.
2, download the new release and try it..
What did I do?
Blog Post Tag Page you need to use token %OldValue% or %name%- for Tag
Article One Page - you need to use token %OldValue%
Blog One Page - added support all tokens
News One Page. - added support all tokens
Check and write me about result.
Copy the file ShippingEasy.dll from 3.80 folder.
The problem was in native shippingeasy library. I did the new release.
Download the release 1.28 from our site.
The problem was in ShippingEasy kernel library. I have solved it.
You can replace this file ShippingEasy.dll and try.
Write me about result.
PayPal Express Checkout or PayPal Smart Payment Buttons?
Did customer change it on PayPal side?
Check if you use another plugin for square with old square kernel DLL file.
Remove another plugins from the folder Plugins and restart your store.
Each square kernel library has own API.
Do it and write me about result.
I did the new release 1.02
his is answer from PayPal PayFlow RESULT=0
PREFPSMSG=No Rules Triggered
POSTFPSMSG=No Rules Triggered
I copied this values
result.AvsResult = AVSZIP;
result.Cvv2Result = CVV2MATCH;
You did wrong rate from GRAMM to KG.
You set rate 1.
Your product has weight 321 GRAMM.
Nopcommerce converts the weight to KG and we has 321 KG.
You wanted to send 321 KG.
Correct value is 0.321 KG.
Fix this issue with rates between Gramm and Kg.
I can't solve this issue myself.
Open your Measures list in nop admin mode and check how you convert Gramm to KG.
You need to use this conversation
1000 Gramm = 1KG
1Gramm = 0.001KG.
Now Nopcommerce converted 2760GRAMM => 1252KG
Please do it and write me about result.