Do you mean that the plugin upload the rounded weight to API?
What nopcommerce version do you use?
>the token %price% to the product's Title
I need to think about it.
>Other question... I don't know the function of some token like %OldValue%, %newpagetitle% %oldpagetitle%.
The HTML page has three parameters:
Meta Title
Meta Description
Meta Keywords
%OldValue% - the old of value (the native nopcommerce value). You could use it fori three parameters.
You set for Meta Title = %OldValue%+" super discount!".
The plugin takes the old meta title and adds the string " super discount!".
You set for Meta Description = %OldValue%+" super discount!".
The plugin takes the old meta description and adds the string " super discount!".
%newpagetitle% %oldpagetitle% - you could use them in the new Meta Description and Meta keywords.
Open the plugin folder and change the file AccessDenied.html.
This is a static HTML file.
We could do the subplugin for Feed manager for it doesn't help you too.
The subplugin will help you to create the new value but you need to skip it.
>I would like it to only include products that have been updated within the last 24 hours (i.e. since the last feed was generated).
The plugin doesn't have such filter.
The plugin converts pictures to JPEG/PNG formats.
You could use the native format.
Open the plugin configure page and enable "Use external picture service".
The plugin for old nop versions (4.30 and older) uses Square TransactionsApi from the Square kernel library.
The new Square kernel library uses PaymentsAPI.
Nop 4.20 use the old .NET version. The Square kernel library uses the new one.
I need to recompile this Square kernel library. It's not easy.
We released the new plugin [url=/squarewebpayments]Square Web Payments[/url].