The plugin converts pictures to JPEG/PNG formats.
You could use the native format.
Open the plugin configure page and enable "Use external picture service".
The plugin for old nop versions (4.30 and older) uses Square TransactionsApi from the Square kernel library.
The new Square kernel library uses PaymentsAPI.
Nop 4.20 use the old .NET version. The Square kernel library uses the new one.
I need to recompile this Square kernel library. It's not easy.
We released the new plugin [url=/squarewebpayments]Square Web Payments[/url].
Thank you for this information.
"True", "0", "1"
These correct values.
Open the plugin configure page and enable debugging.
Try to import and check the plugin log file.
This is an object with a short message of the full text.
Why couldn't you set the short description in the nop admin mode?
Check the list of mapping fields.
Did you create the field for a Key?