Plugin used customer's settings from browser, but most of customers where from Germany and they notices that sometimes PayPal display message in English.
I decided to use static value.
You can change them in the file PaymentInfo.cshtml
Comment them.
var ppp = PAYPAL.apps.PPP({
"approvalUrl": "@Html.Raw(Model.ApprovalUrl)",
"placeholder": "ppplus",
"mode": "@Model.Mode",
// "language": "de_DE",
// "country": "DE",
"language": "@Model.Language",
"country": "@Model.Country",
showLoadingIndicator: true,
onLoad: function() {
$('#ppplus iframe').width('100%');
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.payment-info-next-step-button, .confirm-order-button').hide();
//$('.payment-info-next-step-button, .confirm-order-button').show().prop("onclick", null).unbind().click(submitpaypalplus);
Or download new ZIP file from our site.
I changed plugin and build the new release with this fix.
PayPal works only in several countries.
I did it. Try new release 1.08.
PayPal added several months ago new feature for payments without any shipping address, but .NET API library doesn't have it.
I see only one solution to use billing address as a shipping address.
I'll do new release.
Answer from PayPal support
Unfortunately the option to do REST API on behalf of an account is not available at this moment. You would need to use the NVP classic API for this option." This is 2017, and I've seen comments from PayPal in 2013 saying that it's 'coming soon'!
1. What nopcommerce version do you use?
2. Can you describe the problem place in admin mode, step by step and in what place did you wait the answer from the server?
We have fixed it.
Release 1.08.
Old script has extra comma.
Thank you.
Did you upgrade your old nop version?
Old nop stores use another system name for task.
New nop (4.00) use new system name for task.
Plugin had to rename old task name...
Can you open the table ScheduleTask and remove wrong row with type value 'FoxNetSoft.Plugin.Misc.Pagespeed.PictureOptimizerTask, FoxNetSoft.Plugin.Misc.Pagespeed'?
Do you see the correct row with type 'FoxNetSoft.Plugin.Misc.Pagespeed.PictureOptimizerTask' ?
We have special plugin for it.
Google Customer Reviews
This plugin has all settings from the box.
You can set any parameters easy.
Please try it.
> 1-Configuration page not save Newsline.
I have fixed this bug. Thank you.
>2-page articles in public site is empty.
Can you explain me the problem?
Did you create the articles and didn't see them in public page?