Open admin mode. Open advanced settings and try to find the parameter widgetsettings.activewidgetsystemnames
This parameter has very long value in your store....
Maybe you have unused plugins...
Can you check this value and remove unused plugins from this parameter?
You needn't the source code.
All logic is in triggers. You can create your own trigger for your tables or entities. It's easy. You can see how to do it in our triggers.
I fixed the bug with wrong URL. Added several css style and Plugin uses one date format for all languages.
Download new version from our site. replace plugin (all files) and restart your site. It's important. Try it.
About double article block on Home page. Did you check your index.cshtml?
1. Homepage
Can you show me your Index.cshtml?
I think you have couple of code
I can change all in next update tomorrow.
But if you need dot at once
>When yo get to the Article page, the date overlaps with the title.
Add this css-style
.article-date {
display: block;
<span class="article-date">-@Model.DateUserTimeZone.ToString("D")</span>
<span class="article-date">-@Model.DateUserTimeZone.ToString("dddd, dd MMMM yyyy")</span>
> Would need to have this in French as well.
I saw it at your site. I don't know. I'll try to find solution.
>If you mean if I have any "redirect" plugins, no I don't.
Ok... I must think too.
>When yo get to the Article page, the date overlaps with the title.
CSS style isn't comfortable for your site... I'll change it for you. Thank you.
> But when I click on "Home Page - Enable Articles on Home Page", it appears twice.
Did you see two article block on Home page? I see only one block on my test site...
>Home page. Enable pager for articles
This feature add pager for Home page for Articles block... By default customer sees on new 4 (you can change this value) articles.
I'll check and answer you tomorrow.
We don't have demo or full version of plugins.
Plugins have only serial number protection.
Open plugin page and download it.
Don't worry. This is the same version.
How to upgrade plugin?
Replace plugin folder on your site (all files) and restart your site.
Plugin will upgrade itself.
You should download plugin from our site from product page.
It's free.
You have had serial number.
We released a new version v2.0 (for Nop 3.60, 3.70 and never) and added date.