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Profile: Support


    You can show this date value too.

    Add this code

    <span class="article-date">@item.DateUserTimeZone.ToString("D")</span>

    I can add the code myself for you too.
    Show me the place of the page when you want to see the date value and I'll send you new .cshtml-file.
    8 years ago

    >It would be nice to be able to have a date added automatically.

    By default plugin takes current date and time for new articles, but the store's owner can change it. Did I understand you correctly?

    >The other thing I notice is that when you check the box to have the list of articles on the Left Panel

    I saw the problem...
    Do you have any plugins for changing routes in your store?

    8 years ago

    I don't know, but this method is in standart NopCommerce kernel libraries.

    1. Download the new version of plugin from our site (download from the product page).

    2. Replace plugin folder (all files), you needn't uninstall and install plugin.
    3. Open the Global.asax in site root folder and add spacebar to the end of the file. After it IIS recreates internal cache.
    4. Try it.
    5. Write me about result.

    8 years ago

    I think you must add your code to the file Completed.cshtml from your themes folder.


    @model CheckoutCompletedModel
    @using Nop.Web.Models.Checkout;
    @using Nop.Core.Infrastructure;
    @using Nop.Services.Orders;
        Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_ColumnsOne.cshtml";

        var checkoutEmail = "";
        var checkoutTotal = decimal.Zero;
        var order = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IOrderService>().GetOrderById(Model.OrderId);
        if (order!=null)
            checkoutEmail = order.Customer.Email;
            checkoutTotal = order.OrderTotal;
    <span id='_GUARANTEE_GuaranteeSpan'></span>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//********"></script>
    <script type='text/javascript'>
        if(window._GUARANTEE && _GUARANTEE.Loaded) {
            _GUARANTEE.Hash = '*******************************************';
            _GUARANTEE.Guarantee.order = '@Model.OrderId';
        _GUARANTEE.Guarantee.subtotal = '@checkoutTotal'; = '@checkoutEmail';
        _GUARANTEE.WriteGuarantee('JavaScript', '_GUARANTEE_GuaranteeSpan');
    <!-- END: NSG_GUARANTEE -->
    <div class="page checkout-page order-completed-page">
        <div class="page-title">
    8 years ago

    Write me about result.

    8 years ago

    >Error indicates "An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions"

    When did you see this error message? In Nop?

    8 years ago

    We are sorry, but we added support a lot of time ago.

    8 years ago

    Plugin updated its database.
    If it couldn't do it you would have seen the error message.

    8 years ago

    You should use external IP address.
    1. Open NopCommerce in Admin mode and select "Customers".
    2. Look for your account, press the button "Edit".
    3. You will see your IP address.

    8 years ago

    By default NopCommerce 3.50 uses AutoMapper, Version=
    You use AutoMapper, Version=
    I can recompile plugin for your version.

    8 years ago

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