+ added the order prefix for the description of the payment (Order # XXXX)
+ new feature added (the buyer sees a spinner when creating a payment)
+ added a new feature (notification about errors with the payment)
+ the critical fix, Stripe changed the API "Use of the statement_descriptor parameter on PaymentIntents for card charges" link
+ added the new feature "Cancell unfinished payemtn intents"
+ upgraded the Stripe kernel library (nop 4.50-4.60)
+ changed the kernel of the plugin
+ added support recurring payments
- fixed the bug (Stripe removed the Charge object from the webhook event)
+ upgraded the library Stripe.net.dll ( - API 2022-08-01 or never
- fixed the bug "If Stripe has some issues with creating the token then the plugin will not show the Google Pay and Apple Pay button"
- fixed bug "Customer "First Name" was truncated from the right a single character from "Nick" to "Nic" when addresses were created for order."
- upgraded the Stripe kernel library 39.330.0.0
+ added support the button "I agree with the terms of service ..."
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