I don't know. I'll try to help you. I checked it on test store and it worked.
1. Make print screen and send me (support@foxnetsoft.com) the page with this error message.
2. Did you try to checkout from shopping cart page or from payment info (from checkout) page?
Do you use live or sandbox credentials?
Clear the browser's cache and try again.
I don't know.
Social Login plugin uses AOuth protocol.
Facebook use another login button. maybe Facebook changed code for login button.
AOuth protocol is the public standard for all services.
Plugin doesn't support LinkedIn now.
ConfirmationMethod = "manual"
I did the releaee with 'manual' too. I hoped than Stripe would use clear logic.
Customer put credit card, submit payment, verify 3D Secure and plugin will confirm payment.
But I got another result.
Customer put credit card, submit payment, Stripe shows the payment is correct and we csn confirm it, customer presses the button 'Confirm order', plugin confirms payment. And Stripe told me 'show customer the window for 3D Secure'.
It's strange but customer had to apply 3D Secure after confirming psyment.
I didn't understand this logic.
You use nopcommerce onepage checkout.
If you use any one page checkour plugin you will not have this issue.
But I think I found the solution for nopcommerce one page checkout.
I can check what checkout method the store's owner use and I can did oen solution.
Please wait one day.
This new Stripe API uses one-time payment.
When customer presses the button 'Submit payment' than Stripe moves money to you (check 3D Secure before it).
But nopcommerce redirects customer to "Order Confirm" step of checkout. If customer doesn't confirm order but Stripe charges money.
I thought a lot.
I have several ideas.
1. When customer presses the button 'Submit payment' than plugin creates the nop order at once and skip nopcmmerce the last step of checkout.
2. Or another solution...
I don't like it.
Customer set the credit card in Payment Info step of checkout.
Customer presses the button 'Confirm Order' on the next step of checkout.
After it plugin ask Stripe to check 3D Secure.
If customer has crdit card with 3D Secure he will see the new window with 3D Secure from the bank.
But I don't like such solution.
3. Show credit card page after creating nop order.
Customer selected "Stripe Direct" and he will see nopcommerce Confirm Order checkout step. Customer presses the button 'Confirm Order' and he sees the page with credit card values and with the button 'Submit payment'.
What do you think?
I need to think.
I'll be busy next two weeks and I need to think about better solution.
I need to think.
Write me on Monday
>Im using standard checkout on nopCommerce 3.8
1. One page checkout or multipages?
2. Do you any external theme? Maybe the theme developer used another HTML markup for "Buy" button. Can you ZIP your theme and send me it to my email?
'Include Tax' - this parameter is for product prices.
transactionTotal - order total with tax and shipping fees.
transactionTax - order total tax.
I can add the new parameter 'transactionSubTotal'
transactionTotal - order subtotal value (with or without TAX)
What do you think?