You are not right.
Customer can try to look for apple or able or...
I try to find the first correct new name of product.
But I am open for your ideas.
Please check careful.
1. Cart page in the cart_product_list array that is passed to the dataLayer
cart_product_list object has the correct Sku (add the product from product details page and check it).
If you want to change the attribute from shopping cart page using Ajax than plugin will not send the new Sku.
2. Order Confirmation page in the ProductIDList array that is passed to the dataLayer
Read the same answer.
Please check it and write me.
I saw that I can catch the trigger "product_attributes_changed".
Maybe it will help me to send the new event.
You tried to look for Books and plugin saw that any of product doesn't have such product after that plugin tried to find the first product with correct word.
You want to look for aple.
Plugin found the product 'Apple MacBook Pro 13-inch' and shows it to you with the message.
Your search 'aple' didn't match any products. Did you mean 'Apple MacBook Pro 13-inch'?
I understood you, you want to show the list of all products with 'Apple' pattern.
I checked and it worked.
Did you enable "inventory by product attribute combination" for this product?
If yes.
Send me login and password to your store by email. I'll check it myself.
I don't know how to add several pictures in ld-json script. This is rich card.
This format supports only one picture.
Check if you configured your Google application correctly.
Maybe you forgot something (add store URL?).
If you need we can configure your Google application it will cost 40$.
I am sorry.
I added new feature in the plugin "Create order after payment" or "Create order before payment" and I added this feature for this new feature.
You can't hide payment info page now because you need to do payment from this payment info page (redirect to PayPal URL).
When I add the new mode "Create order after payment" and then you will be able to hide "Payment Info page".
I hide this parameter. Thank you.
Can you explain what do you want?
Make print screen and send me it. API has many parameters.
Can you write to support and ask them about " the order number to appear on the output paper. "
Plugin has to return the list of products.
Can you show me example of your request?