It's not a problem.
Google sees the old schema ata (microdata) and my ld-json data.
Google takes data from ld-json code. It's never format and Google tries to populate it.
Anyone leaves old and new data.
Don't worry.
PayPal wants to see the state for the USA.
It's important!!!
PayPal has the list of countries with necessaries state/province value.
I am sorry
I added a bug in .last release for nop 4.00
Download the new one and write me about result.
PayPal recommends to send shipping address too.
It's anti-fraud protection.
Download the new release 1.05
I have fixed this bug.
If you don't want to upgrade plugin you need to change the the pattern with lower case letter
What nopcommerce version do you use?
1. Open the Rule settings and make print screen.
Send me it.
This pattern "Content*" has to redirect all urls
2. Send me error message from nop log (about wrong URL).
I want to see the full URL:
Thank you too.
Can you write a review about our support?
It's a draft code
public virtual string ReadAttributeValue(Product product, ProductAttributeCombination productAttributeCombination, string feedColumName, string typeFeed)
var tax=20;
return (product.Price*(100+tax/100)).ToString();
Plugin uses the nopcommerce task for creating the feed file.
NopCommerce uses the virtual customer for each nop task.
Ignore this information.
You can add own tax in extrnal plugins.
Do it one plugin for one tax and another plugin for another tax.
You will have the product and it's price in external plugin and you need to add TAX as static percent.
Do you customer's billing address for calculation TAXs?
If yes than plugin can't calculate the TAX. Plugin uses one customer's account for all feed files.
It's only one solution it's to do external subplugins for Feed Manager.
One subplugin for one country another one for another country.
Do you understand me?
If you need I can do such subplugins, but see at example. It's easy.