It was a bug.
You didn't have any stock quantities for this warehouse (you don't have value USE for this warehouse).
But plugin has to add new stock quantities for new warehouses.
Download new release 2.02 and try it.
Write me about result.
I know about it...
I use nopcommerce's setting for language.
Do you use two languages in your store (English and France)?
And you want to map two languages in three items?
I want to solve your problem.
You need to add this code in the loopp
<div class="variant-picture">
@await Component.InvokeAsync("Widget", new { widgetZone = "productbox_addsticker", additionalData = variant.Id })
<img alt="@variant.DefaultPictureModel.AlternateText" src="@variant.DefaultPictureModel.ImageUrl"
title="@variant.DefaultPictureModel.Title" id="main-product-img-@variant.Id" />
Plugin adds html+css, you need to check it...
1. Download new release (new ZIP file) from our site.
2. Replace plugin folder (all files, SQL files too).
3. Restart your site.
4. Plugin will upgrade itself.
Each of our plugin has such logic for upgrading.
You can select the list of products for which you can give a discount in this release.
I'll add support categories, manufacturers list int next release.
Amazon don't allow to upload feed in automatic mode now.
Several year I saw the tool for it but I tries to find it an I couldn't it.
I saw external utility for it.
>1) Since the client have another gateway for Credit Card payment, an option to hide the credit card selection from the PaymentInfo view is required;
Can you explain me what you want? Plugin uses two modes. Plugin can adds Express Checkout button on shopping cart page and plugin can add Express Checkout buttonon payment method list page too.
You can add any JavaScript code in the file ShoppingCartButton.cshtml and hide the credit cart settings from the page.
> 2) I've seen in my tests that you pass the OrderGuid as InvoiceNumber to PayPal. OrderGuid is not useful to the NopCommerce backoffice user, since we can't search orders by their Guid. The order id should be passed, or the OrderCustomNumber. The ideal would be the choice to be dependent on a setting value.
Plugin uses another logic.
Plugin doesn't create the order before. Plugin creates the order after payment!!!!
We don't have OrderCustomNumber before the payment. The order will be created later. PayPal doesn't allow to change it.