Send me your import file and make print screen
the second tab with mappings. Send me it too.
I want to see it.
You can remove second default nopcommerce tag (you can change cshtml file).
Ignore this second nopcommerce tag.
If Google sees ld-json script than Google will use only it.
This cshtml files don't have css style payment-info-next-step-button for buttons.
Change the cshtml files
old code
<button onclick="" class="btn waves-effect waves-light">
<button onclick="" class="btn payment-info-next-step-button waves-effect waves-light">
<button type="submit" name="nextstep" value="@T("Checkout.NextButton")" class="btn waves-effect waves-light">@T("Checkout.NextButton")</button>
<button type="submit" name="nextstep" value="@T("Checkout.NextButton")" class="btn payment-info-next-step-button waves-effect waves-light">@T("Checkout.NextButton")</button>
Version 1.03 - October 21, 2018
+ added new feature "Payment Account Number and Dutiable flag" link
+ added new carrier option 'ECONOMY SELECT'
Thank you this idea.
Customer mode.
Plugin checks the customer's language (site language) and send to PayPal.
If you need to send only German to PayPal you can change the file PaymentInfo.cshtml.
var ppp = PAYPAL.apps.PPP({
"approvalUrl": "@Html.Raw(Model.ApprovalUrl)",
"placeholder": "ppplus",
"mode": "@Model.Mode",
// "language": "de_DE",
// "country": "DE",
"language": "@Model.Language",
"country": "@Model.Country",
showLoadingIndicator: true,
onLoad: function() {
$('#ppplus iframe').width('100%');
If you need to change the language in admin mode and warning messages than you can change the file Resources.en-us.xml with resources.
One of our customer was from German and he did language translating to German.
You can connect to him.