Thank you too.
Can you write a review about support?
If you have any new ideas write us too.
Can you write a review about support?
Thank you.
Yes, but why?
Facebook gave us example for one product and for several products.
I have done it.
Download new release and write me about result.
Version 1.12 - October 11, 2017
+ changed Facebook Pixel for 'Purchase' track.
for one product
fbq('track', 'Purchase', {
content_name: 'Custom T-Shirt',
content_category: 'Apparel >> Clothing',
contents: [
{ 'id': '29', 'quantity': 2, 'item_price': 15.00 }
content_type: 'product',
value: 30.00,
currency: 'USD'
fbq('track', 'Purchase', {
contents: [
{ 'id': '29', 'quantity': 2, 'item_price': 15.00 },
{ 'id': '30', 'quantity': 1, 'item_price': 43.50 },
{ 'id': '25', 'quantity': 1, 'item_price': 27.56 }
content_type: 'product',
value: 114.39,
currency: 'USD'
If the customer purchases one product I'll add new tokens. Thank you.
I'll do it now.
Yes, yes, yes.
I added this ACL item, but I forgot to change old 'managesettings' permission.
I have fixed this bug. I didn't change the release number.
Please download new release and try.
Check the date of release.
Thank you.
I added this feature.
Download new release from our site. Replace plugin folder (all files) and restart your site.
You will see new item and can select customer roles.
I read Facebook documentation again.
Our plugin has ALL necessary parameters for Facebook Pixel and Facebook ADS.
I can add new tokens but you can have warnings in Facebook admin panel.
Do you mean pixel 'Purchase'?
What we see in example from Facebook
fbq('track', 'Purchase', {
content_type: 'product',
contents: [
'id': '1234',
'quantity': 2,
'item_price': 10.00
'id': '4642',
'quantity': 1,
'item_price': 5.00
value: 25.00,
currency: 'USD'
Please check this logic again.
Plugin has such logic.
Category1-> Category2 -> Category3 - Product
Plugin tries to read information for the first level (Product) if Product doesn't have any information plugin tries to read it from Category3 if Category3 doesn't have any information.....
But you will not be able to save different information in all levels and read it at once.
Category1-> Category2 -> Category3 - Product
Color red - - -
Style - - modern -
Size - - - XXL
Plugin will read only last level
Color -
Style -
Size XXL
But you want to have
Color red
Style modern
Size XXL
Am I right?