I added support external own plugins.
Thank you this idea.
No I'm sorry. it was my mistake.
I mixed up you with another customer, he wanted to hide two elements from admin menu.
About your problem.
I'll add this feature this evening.
The new item under the Access control list
You can use JQuery and remove two last elements from the list.
or I'll add now new css class for these menu elements
You can add new css style in admin mode and hide these elements too.
I put new release on our hosting.
Version 1.18 - October 09, 2017
- fixed bug. Can't start the task for minify CSS stylesand JS scripts.
Thank you.
The problem is in this function System.Web.VirtualPath.FailIfRelativePath.
NopCommerce can't get relative path using virtual path...
I think that you have one 'unreal virtual path'.
I'll think today how to solve this problem. Please wait one day.
Plugin uses NopCommerce standard permission role Manage Settings.
The code
if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageSettings))
It's the best idea to add support external post-processing function (subplugin). I can sent productId your subplugin will calculate something and return me value...
Yes. It's performance leak but it's the best idea.
What do you think about it?
Send me example and I'll try to add your request.
But send me URL for official documentation.
Some tracking services allow to add new custom tokens some not.
I am interestion to do plugin more user-friendly.
Download the new release from our site and try to create the feed file.
Read this documentation
This feed file has the MerchantID. You must add it. MerchantID=offer-id
Don't forget about merchant-category
I added the main fields in this template.
Please try and write me about result.