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Profile: Support


    I hope yes.

    7 years ago

    Take the template bidorbuy_co_za.xml


    This filed has parameter XPath.
    Plugin will create subtag ProductAttributes with new tag Brand.

    without XPath


    with XPath

    I am not sure but you want to have three level subtree.
    Please try, maybe it'll help you.
    7 years ago

    I'll add support checkout attributes from the box.
    You will be able to create checkout attribute for customer's comment.
    Please wait one-two days.

    7 years ago

    Thank you. I'll see and answer you.
    I am sure that plugin had to add this customer's comment, but I'll check it.

    7 years ago

    Can you say me one payment method for example with this problem?
    Or it takes place from time to time.

    7 years ago

    It's a good URL.
    I'll check this template and answer you.

    7 years ago

    >"use external picture service"

    If you enable this parameter plugin will use internal NopCommerce PictureService using interface IPictureService.
    but I think I showed you bad way.

    Can you open the stored procedure

    and try to find this code

      SELECT PM.ProductId,PM.DisplayOrder,P.Id,P.IsNew,P.MimeType,P.SeoFilename
      FROM Product_Picture_Mapping PM WITH (NOLOCK),Picture P WITH (NOLOCK)
      WHERE PM.PictureId=P.Id and PM.ProductId in (select ProductId from #ExportProducts)
      ORDER BY PM.ProductId,PM.DisplayOrder ASC
    --end Picture

    You can add new conditions and select only necessary pictures.

      SELECT PM.ProductId,PM.DisplayOrder,P.Id,P.IsNew,P.MimeType,P.SeoFilename
      FROM Product_Picture_Mapping PM WITH (NOLOCK),Picture P WITH (NOLOCK)
      WHERE PM.PictureId=P.Id and PM.ProductId in (select ProductId from #ExportProducts)
    and (pm.IsPictogram == null || pm.IsPictogram == false)

      ORDER BY PM.ProductId,PM.DisplayOrder ASC
    --end Picture

    7 years ago

    Plugin has internal PictureService for creating pictures without watermark and in JPG format.
    But if you need to use your own PictureService you can do it too.
    Open plugin configure page and enable 'Use external picture service'.
    Plugin will use your own PictureService.

    7 years ago

    We did plugin many years ago and order comment is plugin features.
    NopCommerce allows customer to add new checkout attributes now.
    But plugin doesn't support this feature now.
    I'll add support checkout attributes.
    What nopcommerce version do you use now and we'll add this feature from your nop version?

    We plan to add them many times but :).
    It's time to add checkout attributes.
    Thank you.

    7 years ago

    We added this template two years ago and we used this documentation

    I see that this page doesn't work now.
    Maybe Kelkoo changed its feed file.
    It's not a problem.
    We'll change it free but can you help us too?

    I read this URL

    Can you ask Kelkoo support about the best type of feed file for them?
    Send me documentation and I'll create new template.
    It's not difficult because all settings are in external XML files.

    7 years ago

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