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Profile: Support


    It was a good idea.
    I have added new parameter.

    Version 1.07 - August 18, 2017

    - added new feature 'Description of transaction'

    7 years ago

    Yes you can fix JS script and plugin will not move it.

    If you need to fix JavaScript code on selected place into the HTML page, you should use data attribute data-fixedscript="1" for it.


    <script data-fixedscript="1">/*body of script*/</script>
    <script data-fixedscript="1" src="/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    7 years ago

    It was a bug.
    We have fixed it in release 1.08.

    Download new release.

    7 years ago

    I am sorry for delay with answer.

    PayPal made PayPal Plus for Germany. But after several times PayPal adds support PayPal Plus for another countries.
    If you want to use PayPal Plus you should ask PayPal support about it. Only PayPal support can enable PayPal Plus, not you.

    About Rest API.
    Thank you for information. I received the letter from PayPal that developers had to use REST API... But... Thank you.

    7 years ago

    Did you try to cancel sample label?

    When I tried to cancel sample label I
    Error. Label could not be found. This can happen if the label was never requested or if you are attempting to refund a sample label.

    Enable Debugging on plugin configure page and try to cancel the label.
    Send me plugin log file. I want to see the error message.

    7 years ago

    It was a bug. We'll fix it.

    7 years ago

    Yes, you are right. I'll try to fix this bug.
    Thank you.

    Version 1.07 - July 17th, 2017
    - fixed bug. (Double sending email notification for partial shipping orders).

    7 years ago

    About country and company name.
    I checked the LinkedIn documentation.

    I can read location (country) and position (company), but I checked these parameters on my LinkedIn profile.
    LinkedIn didn't return information about my country and company.
    May be I have free LinkedIn application...
    Can you enable debugging on plugin configure page?
    Try to login using LinkedIn and send me plugin log file. I'll check XML answer from LinkedIn and I'll be able to answer you.

    What nop version do you use?

    7 years ago

    Plugin uses internal nopCommerce library for paging.
    I can't help you to solve this problem.

    I advise you to read this article.

    7 years ago

    Check if you have such file WebMarkupMin.Core.dll in another folders.
    Our plugin uses WebMarkupMin.Core
    Maybe another plugin uses this dll too.

    7 years ago

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