>1st is that it looks good in sandbox mode but I can't login with any paypal accounts and have to use checkout as guest.
Did you change the PayPal settings on plugin configure page?
PayPal sandbox and live have different settings.
Maybe the problem is in browser's cache.
Clear cache in browser and try.
Write me about result.
About second error...
I don't know too....
What nopcommerce version do you use?
Clear cache in browser and try....
If this solution doesn't help you. Please write me I'll add new notification in plugin log file.
This plugin is very plain.
Plugin creates new URL for landing page and sends the model ProductDetailsModel to this index.cshtml.
This is the native model ProductDetailsModel. NopCommerce uses this model for product templates.
You can check all fields. We use this model because it can help to change the look of landing page.
Thank you.
It was a bug. We have fixed it in v1.10
It must be a custom track for advanced tracking.
We take example from this documentation.
What type of campaign do you use?
Can you make print screen on campaign page and send me it.
I don't know. I must think.
It will cost 50$.
Simple checkout plugin doesn't help you.
You should use external plugin "Payment Rules".
This plugin must have the list of rules and you will be able to add new filters for different conditions.
I don't have such plugin... but I am interesting to do it...
We added new topic in documentation.
Thank you for your question.
Simple checkout plugin uses native NopCommerce payment method for getting payment list.
You should replace native payment method with your new payment method.
Your payment method will check the checkout attributes and will filter payment method list.
If you don't know how to do it we can help you...
I think...
Send me URL for post system API, I'll check if your post system supports checking tracking number.
How do you plan to connect CDN pictures with product?
I can't understand you.